First post
I'm just realised that I'm not sure if this should be in swedish or english, if i had to guess I would say either english or that it doesn't matter. There for I will write this one in english.
As far as im concerned it should be about refelctation on my education in gamedesign.
So far so good I would say, I find it a bit confusing when I try to find information since there is 2-3 different places to search for it and the sceadules seems more like a copy of the booked rooms than a list of where we should actually be.
I realised i need to practice on my presentations. Not because I felt like I couldn't handle to be up on a "stage", talking to a larger group of people, but because my powerpoint looked like shit compared to others. It was my first powerpoint so i guess i could always blame it on that. But that excuse is pretty lackluster and will only work max one time.
On another subject, I kinda took one of my gameing names for this blogg. I dont feel like we got anymore restrictions or instructions than:
1. Start a blogg
2. Start it now
3. Write sometimes